Key Investor Information
Manawa Energy is a publicly owned company, listed on the New Zealand Exchange (NZX). The company has a strong focus on generating renewable energy for New Zealand homes and businesses.
Manawa Energy also supplies around 600 Commercial and Industrial customers with electricity. The company was formerly Trustpower Ltd and rebranded as Manawa Energy on 1 May 2022 on the completion of the sale of the retail energy and telecommunications division of the business.
Manawa Energy has a portfolio of 43 power stations across 25 hydro-electric power schemes, situated throughout Aotearoa New Zealand. We have a number of new generation projects in various stages of planning and development. Complimenting our existing hydroelectric generation infrastructure, we have a number of water storage and supply projects in planning, development and in operation.
We take our responsibilities as kaitiaki of Aotearoa New Zealand’s natural assets seriously, working with iwi and environmental groups around the country to minimise the impact of our operations on the environment.
Major Shareholders
Manawa Energy has around 313 million shares on issue on the New Zealand Stock Exchange (NZX). We have two cornerstone shareholders, Infratil Limited and TECT Holdings Ltd, plus over 12,000 small parcel shareholders and 12,000 bond holders.
Infratil Limited: 51.0% of voting shares
Infratil Limited has been a cornerstone shareholder since Manawa Energy’s (previously Trustpower Ltd) formation in 1994.
Infratil Limited is a specialist investor in infrastructure and utility assets. The company is a major stakeholder in Wellington Airport, as well as energy and other investments in New Zealand and Australia. Infratil Limited is listed both on the New Zealand Stock Exchange NZX and the Australian Stock Exchange ASX.
TECT Holdings Ltd: 26.8% of voting shares
TECT has been a continuous shareholder since Trustpower’s formation in 1994. TECT is a community focused trust which supports local initiatives, facilities and events that bring vibrancy, connectedness, growth and economic benefits to the Tauranga/Western Bay area. TECT is governed by six elected Trustees.
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