Developing a Wind Farm

Wind generation is one of the cleanest ways to generate electricity

Manawa Energy is committed to building more renewable energy generation assets across Aotearoa New Zealand, and one of the areas we are focusing on developing is wind energy.


What is a wind farm?


A wind farm is a large collection of turbines that capture wind energy with their blades. When wind causes the blades to spin, an electrical generator within the turbine produces electricity which is then transferred into the national power grid networks, which distribute electricity to homes and businesses across Aotearoa New Zealand.


Why wind?


Aotearoa New Zealand is working towards the ambitious target of net zero carbon emissions by 2050. To meet this goal, large parts of our economy and our everyday activities that use fossil fuels will be replaced with electric alternatives. This means we need more renewable electricity generation than ever before!

By harnessing the energy of the naturally occurring wind, wind farms are one of the cleanest ways to generate electricity, and is the lowest cost source of large-scale renewable energy.

Wind generation currently represents about 6% of Aotearoa New Zealand’s overall electricity generation, but in order to meet our goals for a thriving, low-emissions and climate-resilient future, we need to build more of it.

Key benefits include:

  • No greenhouse gases are emitted from the generation of electricity using wind

  • Clean generation means that emissions generated during a turbine’s manufacture, installation, operation, maintenance and decommissioning, are typically offset within the wind farm’s first year of operation

  • There are limited environmental impacts from the construction of a wind farm when compared with other forms of generation, such as hydro


What is the life span of a wind farm?


Well maintained wind farms have the capability to operate for 25 – 30 years before significant equipment overhaul or replacement is required. When it comes time to evaluate the wind farm’s future, a number of options will be investigated which can include replacing the turbines or equipment that is at the end of its useful life, or decommissioning the wind farm. It is likely that we will need to re-visit our operating consent at this time, which will provide opportunity for the local community to have their say on the future of the wind farm.


Building a Wind Farm


Wind Farm Operations


Wind Farm Decommissioning

