Rakaia Catchment Environmental Enhancement Society

Manawa Energy contributes $100,000 per year to the Society Fund

The Rakaia Catchment Environmental Enhancement Society administers a fund that was established to contribute funding for projects within the Rakaia River catchment that enhance the cultural, ecological, and biological health of, and recreational opportunities within the catchment area, and thereby contribute to the first order priorities set out in the Canterbury Water Management Strategy.

Who can apply?

The Fund is open to individuals, voluntary groups, iwi, landowners, community and conservation organisations, recreation groups, schools, universities, scientific research groups or any such organisations or groups that the Society deems to be suitable applicants.

The organisations who are represented on the Society’s committee are also eligible to apply*

*Conflict of interest in this regard will be declared at any committee meeting where decisions on funding application are made.

What sort of projects are eligible?

Projects that may be eligible for funding include, but are not limited to:

  • Restoration and protection of existing native species or habitat

  • Enhanced cultural values*

  • Improved water quality

  • Erosion prevention

  • Enhanced recreation values

  • Restoration planting

  • Animal and pest plant control

  • Resource investigation and scientific study

  • Improved access to reserve areas

  • Improved Biological Health

  • Environmental education

Further information to assist with applications can be found in our application guidelines.

*If your project involves planting you might consider enhancing its cultural value by reaching out to one of these local rūnanga-led nurseries to supply your project:

How do I apply?

Download the application form here.

There are two rounds for funding applications per year, with applications closing on:

  • 28 February

  • 31 July