Information for contractors

What you need to know

If you’re a contractor coming to work on a Manawa Energy site, there are things you need to do prior to arriving.  

How we work

We want to make sure work is appropriately planned and executed and is conducted as safely as possible. This means that we’ve considered all aspects including:

·       People – those performing the task, other people at site and the public

·       The environment

·       Equipment and tools

·       Procedure or method to be used

·       Location specific details

View our critical risk guidelines

We do this through collaboration; sharing information we have available to us, seeking input from those who may be impacted by our work or have specific knowledge and letting them inform how we execute work. We see it as a cycle that continues through all phases of work, especially when changes occur. We expect you to follow this same approach to work – having the right conversations with the right people.

How we manage risks

Safety is everyone’s responsibility: we all play a part in ensuring we have considered any potential for harm as a result of our work, and that risk of harm is managed to a level as low as reasonably practicable. For some hazards, the risk is critical, and the potential harm is a fatality. Please read our guidelines above to identify if your work involves critical risks. This will ensure that critical controls have been considered during planning and implementation.

What you need to do

Please come prepared for the work as we will not be able to provide tools, equipment or PPE on the day. If you don’t have everything you need, you may be turned away from the site. At a minimum, please have the following available to you when you arrive at our sites:

  • Hard hat

  • Appropriate footwear

  • HiVis

  • Tools, equipment and work specific PPE

During planning and through communication with your Manawa Energy site representative, the exact tools, equipment and PPE requirements will be confirmed.


Before you can work on a Manawa Energy site, you must first complete inductions. These are:

Entry Approval Competency (EAC)

It is a generic, industry induction that provides an overview of the industry risks and expectations of work when on site.

Site Access Induction (SAI)

This induction provides information specific to working at Manawa Energy’s generation sites, which will help workers and the environment stay safe.

Site Specific Induction (SSI)

For each site, a SSI needs to be completed for that location. It provides site specific information.

Civil Induction

If work is to be conducted away from the site, on canals, waterways, intakes, etc. then a Civil Induction will also need to be completed.

Our inductions will provide you with all the information you need to arrive safely and be best prepared to work and manage the risks you are likely to encounter at a Manawa Energy site. Upon completion, these inductions are valid for two years.

If you need to do any of the inductions listed above, please notify your contact at Manawa Energy so that we can arrange access to our system for you.

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