Huriwaka Wind Farm

Project Status
Land secured, wind monitoring ongoing, progressing consenting


May 2023

Max Capacity
300 MW (estimate)

Annual Output
1000 GWh (estimate)

Up to 60

Our proposed Huriwaka Wind Farm is located on the Hihitahi Plateau, between Taihape and Waiouru. The site has an excellent wind resource, and our project team is working on a design that includes up to 60 wind turbines across 56 square kilometres of rural land. This project would generate enough electricity to power up to 150,000 average kiwi homes.

The project’s working name ‘Huriwaka’ references the high point of 1,047m in the northeastern corner of the wind farm site.

Community Open Day drop-in sessions coming up:

  • Moawhango: TBC - April, 2025

Project contact information

For enquiries about the wind farm project, contact

For media enquiries, contact

Sign up for our Huriwaka Wind Farm Community Newsletter here.